CQL Max-ID Maximizes Chemical Threat Analysis

Jun 29, 2023

CQL Max-ID Splash Screen (002)

June 29, 2023 - Rigaku Analytical Devices announces the launch of the CQL Max-ID handheld 1064 nm Raman analyzer, offering features and benefits that maximize chemical threat analysis in safety and security applications.  With an on-board library of over 13,000 items, the CQL Max-ID provides first responders, border security, and the military with a device that can identify narcotics, explosives, toxic industrial chemicals, chemical warfare agents (CWAs), and more - without the concerns of fluorescence interference.

The CQL Max-ID will be debuted this week at the Chemical Corps Regimental Associations (CCRA) CBRN Exhibition in Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA and the High Intensity CBRN Exhibition in Warsaw, Poland.

Based upon the award-winning Rigaku 1064 nm Raman-based platform, the CQL Max-ID reduces sample induced fluorescence interference, ensuring a result within less than one minute.  With the ability to select the analysis mode, the CQL Max-ID has the unique capability of providing situational analysis based on the user's needs:

  1. Identification of an unknown
  2. Priority listing of a substance (utilization of ThreatAlert™ hazard targeting)
  3. Detection of an unknown (with optional QuickDetect™) 

Additional features available on the new CQL Max-ID include: 

  • Automatic mixture analysis of up to five components
  • Addition of pictorial evidence using an on-board camera for traceability
  • Adjustable nose cone to scan through different thickness and types of packaging
  • Integrated Chemwatch SDS information
  • Pre-configured setting selections based on application
  • CommandSuite™ integrated fleet management capability
  • Long battery life of over 5 hours (also hot swappable)
  • Connectivity to desktop or mobile device via USB, Wi-Fi or Peer-to-Peer
  • Three years of warranty coverage

"With the integration of the Rigaku CQL Max-ID into our portfolio of handheld Raman analyzers, we are expanding chemical analysis solutions for our end users that truly fit their needs," said Chris Langford, VP Marketing & Product Management.  "We're excited to continue to develop based on feedback from the field, as we want to ensure our customers are equipped with the most advanced tools for everyone's safety."

Built upon the updated CQL platform that has been accepted as part of the U.S. DoD JPEO DR SKO System Modernization Program, the CQL Max-ID joins the existing CQL Gen-ID (for more general hazardous analysis), with the ability to offer more targeted CQL variations in the future.

The Rigaku CQL Max-ID is supported by Rigaku's global sales and support distribution channels, offering 24/7 Reachback support, and access to spectral library and software updates.

CQL Max-ID Mixtures Result


Jen Lynch is a Marketing Director and has been involved in the marketing side of manufacturing companies for almost 20 years. Beginning her career as a Marketing Admin, she worked her way through various roles that included events, database management, social media, channel distributors, digital transformation, and more. Focused really on handheld analytical technology that brings the lab to the field, means she has had her hands in many different industries that include pharmaceutical manufacturing, metal production, mining exploration, consumer goods manufacturing – including children’s products, such as toys, and now heavily involved in safety & security applications used by customs & border patrol, law enforcement, military, and first responders.

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