Thermal Analysis

Thermal analysis encompasses a suite of scientific techniques used to investigate the physical and chemical properties of materials as a function of temperature. Evolved gas analysis (EGA) involves the identification and quantification of gases released from a sample as it is heated, providing insight into decomposition, volatilization, or other thermal reactions. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) measures the change in mass of a sample as it is heated or cooled, revealing information about composition, decomposition, and phase transitions. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) compares the temperature of a sample to that of a reference material as both are subjected to controlled heating or cooling, detecting phase transitions, reactions, and energy changes. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measures the heat flow into or out of a sample relative to a reference as temperature changes, enabling the characterization of phase transitions, reactions, and thermal stability. Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) measures changes in a sample's dimensions (expansion or contraction) as a function of temperature or time, providing insights into mechanical properties, such as softening points and coefficients of thermal expansion. These techniques are widely used across various scientific disciplines, including materials science, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and polymer science, to understand thermal behavior, stability, and processing of materials.

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DSC is a technique that measures the change in thermal energy generated within a sample when the sample is heated or cooled according to a certain temperature program. DSC is an analytical instrument that is often used to investigate reaction temperatures and reaction energy amounts such as melting, crystallization, crystal transition, and glass transition.

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STA is a simultaneous measurement device for TG and DTA. When a sample is heated according to a certain temperature program, TG measures the weight change of the sample, and DTA measures the thermal energy change.

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Evolved gas analysis (EGA)

EGA is typically used in materials science research and in the pharmaceutical industry to determine thermal stability, decomposition mechanisms, the nature of residual solvents and product safety.

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TMA is a technique for measuring the change in shape of a sample when it is heated or cooled according to a temperature program while applying a non-oscillating load such as compression, tension, or bending to the sample.

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Other thermal analysis equipment

Thermal conductivity measuring devices, thermally stimulated current devices, other thermal analysis attachments, and other products not listed in the catalogue that meet customer requests.

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Measurement and analysis software for thermal analyzers and evolved gas analyzers.

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Featured products


The Thermo plus EVO3 series DSCvesta2 is an innovative measurement device that appeals to a wide range of users, from beginners to experts. Emphasizing user-friendliness, its design exudes sophistication while delivering cutting-edge performance.

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Rigaku’s differential scanning calorimeters are heat-flux types. Several models are available depending on the maximum temperature and sensitivity difference. The high-sensitivity DSC8231 has several options, such as a LN₂ cooling system and an automatic sample changer.

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Thermal analysis can identify at what temperature the sample has changed, but cannot identify what was vaporized from the sample. With simultaneous Fourier infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), evolved gases are qualitatively analyzed.

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