Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction
Three-dimensional atomic structures of small molecules may be unambiguously determined by employing the technique of single crystal X-ray diffraction. Such chemical compounds, which may be of either chemical or biological interest, include—but are not limited to—new synthetic chemicals, catalysts, pharmaceuticals, and natural products.
Once a crystal of the compound under investigation has been grown, the complete diffraction pattern—which may consist of thousands of individual measurements—resulting from the interaction of an intense X-ray beam with the crystal is collected on an area detector that can collect a vast number of observations in a single exposure. Automated structure solution is accomplished by analysis of the complex diffraction pattern. This same technique can also be used to produce detailed electron density maps of molecular bonds.
Protein crystallography is a powerful structural biology technique that provides atomic resolution details about proteins and other macromolecular molecules involved in all aspects of life and disease. Rigaku is a world leader in providing instrumentation that can improve productivity at many levels, from making crystallization solutions to automatically mounting crystals and collecting high-resolution X-ray diffraction data sets.
Application notes
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