Second Generation Handheld Raman Chosen as Part of the U.S. JPEO CBRND Modernization Program

Jun 1, 2022


June 1, 2022 - Rigaku Analytical Devices, a U.S.-based leading pioneer of handheld 1064 nm-Raman based spectrometers, is pleased to announce the Rigaku CQL 1064 nm Raman analyzer has been accepted for chemical identification as part of the U.S. Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPEO CBRND) Program to modernize the military’s Dismounted Reconnaissance Sets, Kits and Outfits (DR SKO) systems.  The DR SKO System Modernization program deploys new and improved kits of technology to Department of Defense (DoD) locations around the world for characterization of suspected chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) hazards.  Rigaku’s original handheld 1064 nm Raman-based analyzer, the ResQ, was selected into this program in 2019 as part of a tech refresh program led by the DoD’s JPEO-CBRND Program.  Following extensive head-to-head evaluations of a variety of technologies, Rigaku’s portfolio was chosen based on its accuracy, ease of use, ruggedness, and features.


The Rigaku ResQ CQL analyzer was launched in 2018, and offers users advanced analytical chemical analysis in a new, tactical form factor.  Rigaku’s 1064 nm Raman-based technology is in use by first responders, border protection, law enforcement, and the military located around the world for identifying chemical threats – such as explosives, chemical warfare agents (CWAs), precursor chemicals, household hazardous chemicals, narcotics, and more. 

Unique features to the Rigaku product line include 4C Technology which monitors individual results for precursors that could be used in recipes to manufacture greater threats.  The optional QuickDetect Mode allows for the detection of non-visible amounts of a substance based on automated colorimetric technology available on-board the ResQ CQL.  This provides both detection and identification on one device – not available on any other Raman analyzer.

“Rigaku is at the forefront of chemical threat analysis,” said Bree Allen, President of Rigaku Analytical Devices.  “The ResQ CQL represents the next advancement in our product portfolio, and we are proud it will be part of the new chemical response toolkits used by our defense forces."

The ResQ CQL analyzer is supported by Rigaku’s global sales and support distribution channels, offering 24/7 Reachback support, library updates and software upgrades for the life of the analyzer.

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Jen Lynch is a Marketing Director and has been involved in the marketing side of manufacturing companies for almost 20 years. Beginning her career as a Marketing Admin, she worked her way through various roles that included events, database management, social media, channel distributors, digital transformation, and more. Focused really on handheld analytical technology that brings the lab to the field, means she has had her hands in many different industries that include pharmaceutical manufacturing, metal production, mining exploration, consumer goods manufacturing – including children’s products, such as toys, and now heavily involved in safety & security applications used by customs & border patrol, law enforcement, military, and first responders.

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