Rigaku offers a comprehensive range of components for X-ray analytical instrumentation, catering to various research, industrial, and academic needs. These components include X-ray detectors, X-ray sources, and optics.
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X-ray detectors
Rigaku manufactures high-resolution X-ray detectors, including semiconductor-based detectors, such as silicon drift detectors or silicon strip detectors, gas-filled proportional counters, and scintillation detectors.
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Rigaku offers a range of optics designed to focus X-ray beams and other radiation sources for optimal performance in analytical instruments.
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X-ray sources
Rigaku produces microfocus rotating anode and sealed tube X-ray sources for various analytical techniques, including X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, and small-angle X-ray scattering.
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Vacuum feedthroughs
Magnetic rotary feethrough seal units are the optimal way to introduce rotary motion into vacuum or differential pressure environments.
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