Thailand seizes $88 million worth of crystal meth bound for Taiwan

Dec 4, 2021

December 4, 2021 - Thailand authorities seized $88 million worth of crystal meth bound for Taiwan, hidden in powdered form. Thai customs officials intercepted nearly 900 kg of crystal methamphetamine hidden in a cargo shipment at Bangkok's Port Custom Office.

The Rigaku ResQ handheld Raman analyzer was used by Thai authorities to accurately identify the drugs.

Jen Lynch is a Marketing Director and has been involved in the marketing side of manufacturing companies for almost 20 years. Beginning her career as a Marketing Admin, she worked her way through various roles that included events, database management, social media, channel distributors, digital transformation, and more. Focused really on handheld analytical technology that brings the lab to the field, means she has had her hands in many different industries that include pharmaceutical manufacturing, metal production, mining exploration, consumer goods manufacturing – including children’s products, such as toys, and now heavily involved in safety & security applications used by customs & border patrol, law enforcement, military, and first responders.

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