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Inside the Fentanyl Crisis: What No Parent Should Ever See

Jan 24, 2024

Fentanyl is the bullet, but it's the cartels that are pointing the gun at our children and pulling the trigger.

In today's episode, we are honored to have Jaime Ignacio Puerto Gonzales, President of V.O.I.D. "Victims of Illicit Drugs" and Co-Chair of "Facing Fentanyl Now" joining to shed some light on the far-reaching impact of fentanyl and the legislative and societal challenges that have hindered efforts to combat this deadly substance.

Jaime, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, shares his personal journey and the heart-wrenching loss of his son, Daniel, to fentanyl poisoning on April 6, 2020.  As he delves into his advocacy work and the mission of V.O.I.D., we gain valuable insights into the deceitful tactics of drug cartels, the need for legislative reform, and the urgent call for awareness and collaboration on a global scale.

Join us as we discuss: 

  • Social media and its role in fentanyl distribution 
  • How Proposition 47 and 57 are impacting law enforcement and public safety in California
  • The impact of harm reduction groups addressing the fentanyl crisis
  • The role that schools and educational institutions can play in raising awareness about fentanyl and preventing its distribution among young people



Additional links: Dead on Arrival Documentary

Views expressed in this material are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Rigaku Analytical Devices.

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Michael W. Brown is the global director of counter-narcotics technology at Rigaku Analytical Devices. He has a distinguished career spanning more than 32 years as a Special Agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Most recently he was the DEA Headquarters staff coordinator for the Office of Foreign Operations for the Middle East-Europe-Afghanistan-India. Prior to that he served as the country attaché in India and Myanmar providing foreign advisory support for counter narcotic enforcement. He also spent 10 years in Pakistan as a special advisor to the US Embassy on various law enforcement issues. Michael is a graduate of the United States Ranger Training Battalion and has a master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Technology and Management from the University of Eastern Michigan.

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