High-resolution X-ray Diffraction

High-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) is a powerful technique used for research and manufacturing of semiconductors. It has several advantages such as assessing crystal quality, analyzing layer thickness and composition, evaluating interface quality, analyzing strain, optimizing processes, detecting and analyzing defects, developing advanced materials, and quality control in manufacturing. HRXRD plays a vital role in advancing semiconductor technology.

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HRXRD metrology solutions

From lab to fab




HR-XRD and XRR. Strain, composition, and thickness of epitaxial layers, crystalline phase, and texture of polycrystalline films. Thin film and film stack thicknesses and density.


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HRXRD advantages

Crystal quality assessment

Characterize crystal quality, including crystal structure, lattice parameters, and crystal defects.

Layer thickness and composition analysis

Determine layer thicknesses and compositions in semiconductor heterostructures, including epitaxial layers and multilayer structures.

Strain analysis

Analyze strain with high sensitivity in semiconductor materials to improve carrier mobility in field-effect transistors (FETs) and enhance the efficiency of optoelectronic devices.

Interface quality evaluation

Provide insights into the quality of interfaces between different semiconductor layers

Defect analysis and detection

Identify and characterize various types of defects in semiconductor materials, including threading dislocations, stacking faults, and point defects.

Advanced material development

Develop avanced semiconductor materials, such as III-V compound semiconductors and wide-bandgap materials for next-generation devices.

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