On-Demand Webinars / Podcasts
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The Opioid Matrix Podcast
In this In this podcast, Michael Brown, retired-DEA Supervisory Special Agent and current Narcotics Interdiction Business Manager, and Jen Lynch, Marketing Director, take a deep dive into the contributing factors of the current opioid crisis hitting the United States. Michael’s experience as a DEA Agent stationed in various drug production countries from South America to the Far East, has given him a unique 360⁰ viewpoint into the illegal drug trade. Michael and Jen break down what is happening internationally country-by-country and relate that to what we are seeing in our communities.
Tango Alpha Lima Podcast with Special Guest Jeff Brodeur
Jeff Brodeur has an in-depth conversation about:
- What Raman spectroscopy is
- What presumptive ID is
- His mission in Iraq conducting toxic chemical surveys
- Chemical warfare used in Ukraine
The Quiet Professional Podcast with Special Guest Michael Brown
Michael Brown has an in-depth conversation with Nathan Romas about opioids, drug networks, and offenders.
War Stories Podcast with Special Guest Jeff Brodeur
Jeff Brodeur breaks down CBRN threats: what they are, where they are used, and how they are used as weapons of war. Jeff offers the hosts real-world examples of what he has seen from being deployed around the world.
There's something in this episode for everyone.
Listen to Jeff's insights on where he sees CBRN trends going, and his recommended response tactics.
The What's a Hero Podcast with Special Guest Michael Brown
Michael W. Brown sat down with Ken Frownfelter on The What's a Hero Podcast where Michael reveals challenges and growth in life as he figured out how he could best serve others and really make a difference. From the Jungles of South America, Asia and the US Michael made a huge impact and would have been able to make a bigger one had it not been for political red tape. Even in retirement, Michael continues his service to his fellow man and continues to work to make this world a better place.
Introduction to Rigaku's 1064 nm Raman Solutions for Chemical Analysis with Federal Resources
Learn how the Rigaku solution – utilizing 1064nm Raman – is different. Nancy Otto, N. American Sales Director, gives an overview of Rigaku's technology, platform, features, and benefits that includes a product demonstration video. Then learn from real-world customers on their implementation of Rigaku handheld Raman:
- Jeff Brodeur discusses how he lead a CBRN team in Iraq providing toxic chemical surveys in facilities displaced by ISIS
- Michael Brown interrupted the production of methamphetamines in Myanmar by focusing on the precursor supply chain
Successes & Challenges of Making Changes to Your Pharma Workflow - Virtual Roundtable
A quality perspective virtual roundtable discussion with real-world pharmaceutical industry professionals. We will discuss how handheld Raman has transformed workflows and maximized quality insight in their organization. Panelists will review some of their own real-world challenges and successes in the implementation of handheld 1064nm-based Raman instrumentation.
Rigaku Progeny 1064 nm Raman as a Versatile Solution for Raw Material Identification (RMID)
Regulatory drivers governing the modern pharmaceutical manufacturing process are ever-changing. Quality control leaders will be continually pressed to improve quality reach while maintaining leanness. Future-readiness in the globalized pharmaceutical industry has never been more important than it is now. Join us to learn how Progeny 1064 nm Handheld Raman offers the proven robustness required of high-throughput raw materials testing while being uniquely versatile enough to provide you the scientific answers you need in more experimental applications. Hear about how Progeny fits into your Data Integrity and Compliance solution puzzle, and learn more about interesting applications like Polymorph speciation and cell culture media analysis.
Data Integrity with Rigaku Progeny 1064 nm Handheld Raman
The labyrinth of regulatory agencies and the dictates they lay out for the industry can be exceptionally challenging to navigate. From the U.S. FDA and the multiple global Pharmacopoeia around the world, to ALCOA principles and 21CFRPart 11 compliance, it’s a never-ending and ever-changing scope. Join us in this webinar for a quick map of the 2020 global regulatory terrain! We will take a look at the general impact of the varied and ever-changing regulatory landscape and how Progeny 1064nm handheld Raman can fit in.
New Applications with Rigaku Progeny 1064 nm Handheld Raman
Handheld Raman technology was mainstreamed nearly a decade ago in the pharmaceutical industry. So, what’s new to share you may wonder? In this webinar, we will take some time to talk about the evolution of portable technologies and their use in the pharmaceutical industry over the past few decades, from early use in the security industry to the most recent competitive developments. Our presenters will go in-depth on some interesting studies performed by Rigaku Senior Application Scientists and existing Progeny users. We will also provide information on the modeling process that can be used with remotely-collected handheld data to learn much, much more about your processes and materials.
Recent advancements in handheld Raman, and their potential and proven applications, will be discussed. From first-generation 785nm instruments to modern tools using 1064nm laser sources or other technologies - every solution has its scientific benefits and compromises. Join us to learn about what 1064nm can do best, focusing on applications developed on the Rigaku Progeny 1064 nm handheld Raman analyzer.

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