TOPIQ | Investigating Crystalline Defects of Semiconductors Using X-ray Topography
Presenter: Martin Fehrentz
Join this webinar to discover the X-ray Topography methodology, the scientific principles of measurements and the possibilities of the instrumentation. The webinar will focus on applications on different materials and the results, demonstrating how the XRTmicron system is used to get highest quality 2D and 3D topograms of semiconductor material.
One advantage of the XRTmicron’s novel highly focusing anode allows investigation of crystallographic defects such as the amount and different types of dislocations, slip lines, dislocation networks, (small angle) grain boundaries, inclusions, precipitates, pits, scratches, etc. with high speed and high resolution on full wafer scale on bare wafers, wafers with epi-layers, partially processed wafers as well as bonded wafers. Examples shown are: slip line formation in 300 mm silicon wafers, the different kinds of dislocation types (threading screw, threading etch and basal plane dislocations) in 4H-SiC substrates and epilayers, the quality of differentially grown AlGaN layers on sapphire, and the defect propagation in AlN-bulk growth.
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