Semiconductor Forum 2023
We thank everyone who attended our inaugural Rigaku Semiconductor Forum 2023. Our distinguished speakers provided valuable insights and perspectives, making the discussion informative and engaging. We thank all the participants who contributed to the success of our event. We appreciate your participation in collectively driving progress in this critical field of study. We commend you for your support and active engagement throughout the forum; your expertise and dedication to advancing knowledge in the field of semiconductors have significantly contributed to the growth and vitality of our community.
Rigaku Europe SE and Rigaku Semiconductor Metrology Division brought this event to you.
Europe Semiconductor Ecosystem in a $1T Era by 2030Dr. Laith Altimime - President of SEMI Europe
View Presentation >DAY ONE - SESSION 2
Metrology and Expectations of tomorrow's IC Industry Dr. Paul Van Der Heide - IMEC
View Presentation >DAY ONE - SESSION 3
Controlling Properties of Wide Bandgap Materials in Industry Dr. Andrea Severino - ST Catania R&D ST Microelectronics
View Presentation >DAY ONE - SESSION 4
Third-generation photovoltaics based on perovskites Dr. Alessandra Alberti - National Research Council of Italy
Contact Us >DAY ONE - SESSION 5
An Introduction to Nanovation and how we use XRD for Characterization and Quality Control of Oxide Semiconductors Dr. David Rogers - Nanovation
Contact Us >DAY TWO - SESSION 1
European Semi Outlook Challenges and Opportunities Boris Metodiev -TechInsights
View Presentation >DAY TWO - SESSION 2
Integrated photonics with Pockels materials Dr. Jean Fompeyrine - Lumiphase
Contact Us >DAY TWO - SESSION 3
X-ray Metrology Opportunities and Challenges for Advanced Semiconductor Technologies Dr. Kyioshi Ogata - Rigaku Corporation
Learn more >DAY TWO - SESSION 4
Metrology from Lab to Fab Dr. Abner Bello - Corning Incorporated
View Presentation >DAY TWO - SESSION 5
Crystallographic defect characterization of semiconductor single crystalline materials by X-ray topography Dr. Ing. Christian Reimann - Fraunhofer
View Presentation >Contact Us
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