Innovation and Sustainability EDXRF Applications

Automotive catalyst recycling

Used catalytic converters are recycled to recover valuable metals like platinum, rhodium, and palladium. The core is removed and ground into a powder, simplifying the extraction of these precious metals. EDXRF can quickly analyze the composition of this powder, determining the presence of various elements without needing extensive calibration standards.


Catalyst recovery

Catalysts used on a large scale in petroleum refining and petrochemical processes contain precious metals, which are extremely valuable. EDXRF provides a quick, cost-effective solution for spent catalyst recycling and catalyst recovery processes.



EDXRF offers trace element analysis for testing and monitoring various environmental samples like soils, sediments, and aerosols on air filters. It can quickly and reliably determine toxic heavy metal concentrations and monitor industrial waste streams to sub-ppm levels.


Fuel cell technologies

Effective quality control in fuel cell manufacturing is vital for creating sustainable transportation. That is why real-time monitoring is crucial for efficient manufacturing and maximizing quality, ultimately driving down costs and increasing accessibility of clean transport options. In-line EDXRF enables continuous measurement, monitoring, and control of loadings used in PEM fuel cell production.



Directives, such as RoHS and WEEE, promote safer and more sustainable practices in the electronics industry to protect human health and the environment. EDXRF helps comply with these directives by rapidly identifying and measuring restricted toxic elements like lead and mercury in products. It can also be used to recover valuable resources like gold, silver, and copper.



Every year, humans produce enormous amounts of waste. Sometimes, these wastes are recycled and reprocessed into usable products like lube oils or reused to make alternative fuels, such as refuse-derived fuel. EDXRF can be key to ensuring that recycled waste is safe for reuse, complies with regulations, has value, or meets industry standards when elemental determination is critical.


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