Battery Stages for SmartLab and MiniFlex XRD

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Choose the battery stage that fits your application need


When selecting a battery stage (aka holder or attachment) for the XRD tool, there are three key things to consider:

  • Cell type
  • XRD tool type
  • X-ray geometry desired (Reflection vs. Transmission)

Different cell types:

  • Self-assembly:
    • The individual cell components (anode, cathode, electrolyte, etc.) are manually loaded into the self-assembly battery stage
    • The battery stage provides structure, electrical contacts, and air-tight packaging for the cell components to create a fully functioning cell
  • Laminate/Pouch Cell
  • Coin cell

XRD tool choices:

  • MiniFlex:
    • Popular, affordable and easy to use benchtop XRD unit.
    • Has some battery stage options and sufficient Cu  X-ray source power for most needs.
    • Very effective XRD tool for battery material (powder) analysis and complete battery cell analysis.
    • Can be used for In Operando testing with manual potentiostat control.

  • SmartLab / SmartLab SE:
    • Very powerful and capable floor-standing XRD units.
    • Many available battery stages and other related non-ambient stages for powder options, including Dynamic Scanning Calorimetry (DSC).
    • High X-ray source power with standard 3kW and optional 9kW high brightness source
    • Cu X-ray source is standard with options for Ag and Mo sources. The higher energy Mo X-rays are helpful to penetrate battery cell packaging.

Two choices for geometry:

  • Reflection:
    • The battery sample is essentially a mirror and reflects the X-rays into the detector. Only surface material characteristics are captured.

  • Transmission:
    • The x-rays pass through the battery cell into the detector, so material characteristics throughout the layers of the cell are captured.
    • Sometimes requires a higher energy X-ray source like Ag or Mo, which are available options with the SmartLab.

Available XRD Battery Stages/Attachments

Solid-State Battery Cell Attachment

All Solid State Battery Cell Attachement 800x610

Liquid Electrolyte Cell Attachment


Laminate/Pouch Cell Attachment


Battery Type: All solid-state battery (SSB)

Primary Usage: In Operando XRD battery analysis

XRD Tool Support: SmartLab, SmartLab SE

Stage/Attachment Description: Holds the individual components (anode, cathode, solid electrolyte, etc.) of a solid-state battery (SSB) to form a working cell. No encapsulation or packaging materials required (self-assembly via the fixture). Applies adjustable static pressure to compress components together and enhance performance during cycling. Enables In Operando XRD analysis of a complete and functioning rechargeable solid-state cell.

XRD Measurement Type: Reflection 


  • Air-tight
  • Temperature range: Ambient (room)
  • Supports electrical interface to select 3rd party potentiostats for fully-automated In Operando testing
  • Supports automatic stage recognition & auto-alignment


  • Incident angle (θ): 5˚ or higher
  • Measurement range (2θ): 10˚ to 120˚
  • Sample size: φ10 mm or φ16 mm, sample thickness
    2 mm or less
  • Maximum pressure loading: 1kN

Part Number: A00012150

Battery Type: Liquid electrolyte battery

Primary Usage: In Operando XRD battery analysis

XRD Tool Support: SmartLab, SmartLab SE

Stage/Attachment Description: Holds the individual components (anode, cathode, liquid electrolyte, etc.) to form a working rechargeable cell. No encapsulation or packaging materials required (self-assembly via the fixture). Enables In Operando XRD analysis of a complete and functioning rechargeable cell.


XRD Measurement Type: Reflection 


  • Air-tight
  • Temperature range: Ambient (room)
  • Supports electrical interface to select 3rd party potentiostats for fully-automated In Operando testing
  • Supports automatic stage recognition & auto-alignment


  • Incident angle (θ): 5˚ or higher
  • Measurement range (2θ): 10˚ to 158˚
  • Sample size: φ20 mm

Part Number: A00006816

Battery Type: Laminate/Pouch Cell

Primary Usage: In Operando battery analysis

XRD Tool Support: SmartLab, SmartLab SE

Stage/Attachment Description: Holds a laminate/pouch type rechargeable cell for In Operando XRD analysis.




XRD Measurement Type: Transmission


  • Temperature range: Ambient (room)
  • Supports electrical interface to select 3rd party potentiostats for fully-automated In Operando testing
  • Supports automatic stage recognition & auto-alignment


  • 2θ <= 60˚ (θ = 0˚ fixed)
  • X axis: ±25 mm (on manual)
  • Y axis: ±6 mm (on software)
  • X-ray window size: 70mm × 70mm or 35mm × 50mm

Part Number: A00009355

Laminate/Pouch Cell - XY Attachment


Coin Cell Attachment - Reflection

Coin Cell - Reflection

Coin Cell Attachment - Transmission

Coin Cell - Transmission

Battery Type: Laminate/Pouch Cell

Primary Usage: In Operando battery analysis with mapping

XRD Tool Support: SmartLab (only)

Stage/Attachment Description: Holds a laminate/pouch type rechargeable cell for In Operando XRD analysis combined with XY mapping to automatically test sample points (matrix) across the cell and allow consistent comparison to other similar cells.

XRD Measurement Type: Transmission


  • Temperature range: Ambient (room)
  • Supports electrical interface to select 3rd party potentiostats for fully-automated In Operando testing
  • Supports automatic stage recognition & auto-alignment


  • 2θ <= 60˚ (θ = 0˚ fixed, center of X-ray window)
  • X axis: ±40mm (Controllable via software)
  • Y axis: ±25mm (Controllable via software)
  • X-ray window size : 54mm × 84mm

Part Number: A00012150


Battery Type: Coin Cell

Primary Usage: In Operando battery analysis

XRD Tool Support: SmartLab, SmartLab SE

Stage/Attachment Description: Holds a coin cell horizontally for Relection geometry X-ray beam for In Operando XRD analysis.

XRD Measurement Type: Reflection


  • Temperature range: Ambient (room)
  • Supports electrical interface to select 3rd party potentiostats for fully-automated In Operando testing
  • Supports automatic stage recognition & auto-alignment


  • 2θ <= 160˚
  • Battery type: CR2032


Part Number: TBD

Battery Type: Coin Cell

Primary Usage: In Operando battery analysis

XRD Tool Support: SmartLab, SmartLab SE

Stage/Attachment Description: Holds a coin cell vertically for Transmission geometry X-ray beam for In Operando XRD analysis.

XRD Measurement Type:


  • Temperature range: Ambient (room)
  • Supports electrical interface to select 3rd party potentiostats for fully-automated In Operando testing
  • Supports automatic stage recognition & auto-alignment


  • 2θ <= 60˚ (θ = 0˚ fixed)
  • Battery type: CR2032


Part Number: TBD

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