Tube-Above Sequential Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for Industrial Applications

Elemental analysis of solid samples

Rigaku ZSX Primus III NEXT delivers rapid elemental industrial quality control by quantitative determination of major and minor elements from Be through Cm for powder and solid samples.

This new scanning wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer features Rigaku’s unique X-ray tube-above configuration and is built upon the succesful ZSX Primus series platform.

ZSX Primus III NEXT Overview

Geared for industrial applications

The ZSX Primus III NEXT is an ideal tool for any industrial application, requiring elemental analysis, such as

Minerals and Mining
Ceramics and Refractories
Glass Manufacturing

Turnkey application packages

Industry-specific application packages are available. The "Pre-Calibration Package," which stores calibration curves at the time of shipment, the "Calibration Package," which includes standard samples and analysis conditions, and the "Master Matching Library" for standardless analysis (SQX) which is specialized for certain types of products, are available to help users start up the analysis operations.

Easy application sharing

The ZSX Primus III NEXT, ZSX Primus IV, and ZSX Primus IVi share the same hardware and software platform, making it easy to share applications between spectrometers.

Improved quality of analytical results

Have confidence in each analysis result. Measurement statistics and spectrometer physical parameters can be displayed with each analysis result to easily spot irregularities.

ZSX Primus III NEXT—your ideal partner for fast and reliable production control in highly demanding industrial environments.

ZSX Primus III NEXT Features

High-end WDXRF spectrometer for industrial environments
State-of-the-art industrial spectrometer for more harsh operating conditions
Increased reliability due to tube-above configuration
Less risk of spectrometer contamination, thereby increasing uptime
Extended analytical flexibility
₄Be to ₉₆CM - Full analysis capabilities
ZSX Guidance software
No need to be a specialist. Integrated intelligence assists with calibration development
High-speed analysis
Precise and accurate results in minutes allows real-time process control
Attractive pricing
All this for a more than affordable price
Improved service and application support
Rigaku is a trusted partner
Data sharing
Makes it possible to have the Rigaku spectrometers in all your laboratories operating on the same calibrations

ZSX Primus III NEXT Specifications

Analytical range ₈O - ₉₆Cm standard (₄Be - ₉₆Cm Optional - depending on crystal configurations)
Spectral method Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence
Atmosphere Vacuum
X-ray tube End window type Rh target 3 kW
Irradiation method Tube-above
Sample changer Expandable sample changer with up to 48 positions
Sample inlet Air lock system
Maximum sample size φ 52 mm × 30 mm (H)
Primary filter Ni400, Ni40, Al125, Al25
Primary Soller slit 3 positions automatic exchange machanism
Standard and fine slits
Optional: Ultralight element slit
Analyzing crystal Standard: LiF, 200, PET, RX26
Pulse height analyzer Digital multichannel analyzer (DMCA)
Detector SC (Scintillation counter)
F-PC (Gas flow proportional counter)
Optional: S-PC LE (Gas sealed proportional counter:
does not require P-10 gas)
Power requirements Instrument: Single (200 - 240 V), three phase (200 V) 50/60 Hz 40A
Personal computer: 1-phase, 100-240 V, 10A

ZSX Primus III NEXT Options

The following accessories are available for this product:

Automation Solution

Automatically transports measurement samples to the instrument, enabling continuous measurement.

ZSX Primus III NEXT Application Notes

The following application notes are relevant to this product

ZSX Primus III NEXT Resources


Analysis of Hazardous Heavy Elements in Soil and Sediment Watch the Recording
A Non-Destructive XRF Technique for Rapid and Easy Screening of Residual Catalysts in APIs and Intermediates Watch the Recording
Quality control of API potency, excipient blend uniformity, and heavy metals impurities by non-destructive and direct analysis of intact pills by XRF Watch the Recording

Rigaku Journal articles

adobeWavelength Dispersive X-ray fluorescence Spectrometer - ZSX Primus III NEXT Read the Article
adobeHow to measure trace amounts of sample by X-ray fluorescence analysis Read the Article
adobeThickness and composition analysis of thin film samples using FP method by XRF analysis Read the Article
adobeSample preparation for X-ray fluorescence analysis V. / Fusion bead method—part 2: practical applications Read the Article
adobeSample preparation for X-ray fluorescence analysis IV./ Fusion bead method―part 1 basic principals Read the Article
adobeSequential benchtop WDXRF spectrometer Supermini200 Read the Article

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