Elemental Analysis of Cement
EDXRF is a powerful analytical technique used to determine the elemental composition of cement. It provides fast, non-destructive analysis of cement and its raw materials, clinker, and alternative fuels used at cement plants. With minimal sample preparation, you can obtain precise measurements, ensuring consistent quality and optimal performance in your cement production. Our EDXRF analyzers offer a cost-effective solution for quality control and process optimization, helping you meet industry standards like ASTM C114-18 and ISO 29581-2:2010. They are the perfect backup or supplement to your WDXRF system.

Why choose EDXRF for the elemental analysis of cement?
Benchtop solutions for cement production
Analyze a wide range of materials, from ensuring proper quality of incoming feedstocks and clinker to finished cement. Systems are also available to screen alternative fuels and ULSD to fire the kilns.
Our EDXRF benchtops can provide:
- Fast and non-destructive at-line analysis with simplified sample preparation
- Precise measurements of all major and minor elements in cement and raw materials, including low atomic number elements like sulfur in gypsum
- An affordable complement to WDXRF systems
- Compliance for ASTM C114-18 and ISO 29581-2:2010

Application examples
Explore our application examples to see if our solutions can benefit your production needs
Recommended products
Solutions for cement production
For quick at-line analysis NEX QC Series
Recommended when you need an affordable system for quality control measurements around the plant. Ideal for analyzing clinker and raw meal materials and can be used to measure gypsum in finished cement.
For quick, high-performance analysis NEX DE
Recommended for several applications within the cement industry, such as screening to ensure the proper composition of incoming feedstocks, raw meal mixture balances, the addition of gypsum, and throughout the manufacturing process.
For ASTM C114 and ISO 29581 compliance NEX CG II
Recommended when you need the performance required for ASTM C114 and ISO 29581. It makes an excellent backup analyzer to WDXRF or a cost-effective alternative system when producing Portland cement.

Information and resources
- ARGENTINA: Asociacion de Fabricantes de Cemento
- AUSTRALIA: The Cement Industry Federation
- AUSTRALIA: Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia
- AUSTRIA: Vereinigung der Öterreichischen Zementindustrie
- BOLIVIA: Instituto Boliviano del Cemento y el Hormigon
- BRAZIL: Association Brasileira de Çimento Portland
- BULGARIA: Bulgarian Construction and Building Chamber
- CANADA: Cement Association of Canada
- CHILE: Instituto del Cemento y del Hormigóe Chile
- CROATIA: Croatia Cement
- CZECH REPUBLIC: Czech Cement Association
- EUROPE: Cembureau
- GERMANY: Verein Deutsche Zementwerke
- INDIA: Cement Manufacturers’ Association
- ITALY: Associazione Italiana Tecnico Economica Cemento
- JAPAN: Japan Cement Association
- MALAYSIA: The Cement & Concrete Association of Malaysia
- MEXICO: Camara Nacional del Cemento
- MEXICO: Instituto Mexicano del Cemento y del Concreto
- MOROCCO: National Assocation Professionnelle des Cimentiers du Maroc
- PERU: Asociacióe Productores de Cemento
- PORTUGAL: Associaç Téica da Indúa do Çmento
- SINGAPORE: Cement and Concrete Association of Singapore
- SOUTH KOREA: Korea Cement Industrial Association
- SWITZERLAND: Cemsuisse / Verband der Schweizerischen Cementindustrie
- TURKEY: Turkish Cement Manufacturers Association
- UKRAINE: Concern Ukrcement
- UNITED KINGDOM: Mineral Products Association
- USA: Portland Cement Association (PCA)

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