NEX QC+—Nutrients in Grass Silage

Application Note EDXRF1552

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The analysis of important mineral elements in grass is demonstrated.


Silage is made by fermenting various grasses or other crops and is the main base for most animal feeds, especially cattle. The nutrient content of silage is carefully blended and monitored to ensure optimal animal health and product quality. Grass-fed cattle require the optimum balance of the major minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus and the trace minerals copper, manganese, and zinc. Proper mineral balance ensures optimum milk quality and production. To meet the industry's need of monitoring the mineral content, Rigaku offers the NEX QC+ EDXRF analyzer for fast and simple measurement of grass and other silages such as haylage, wheat silage, and corn silage.

NEX QC+ high-resolution EDXRF analyzerModel: NEX QC+


A set of twelve assayed grass samples were submitted by an industry user for demonstration. Empirical regressions calibrations were built to provide optimum accuracy.

Element Units Concentration range
K % 1.8 – 3.2 %
Ca % 0.4 – 0.8 %
Mg % 0.14 – 0.22 %
P % 0.22 – 0.32 %
S % 0.13 – 0.30 %
Mn ppm 45 – 105 ppm
Cu ppm 5 – 12 ppm
Zn ppm 20 – 50 ppm

Note: 1 ppm = 1 mg/kg


Representative calibration standards were measured ten consecutive times each in a static position to demonstrate effective recovery and analytical precision.

Sample I.D.: Standard #73
Element ICP value NEX QC+ average value Std. dev
K 2.713 % 2.738 % 0.054
Ca 0.536 % 0.540 % 0.006
Mg 0.180 % 0.163 % 0.009
P 0.254 % 0.249 % 0.002
S 0.300 % 0.288 % 0.0005
Mn 105.6 ppm 106.1 ppm 1.5
Cu 11.9 ppm 12.4 ppm 0.7
Zn 47.0 ppm 45.9 ppm 0.9

Sample I.D.: Standard #77
Element ICP value NEX QC+ average value Std. dev
K 1.912 % 1.947% 0.026
Ca 0.836 % 0.828 % 0.007
Mg 0.222 % 0.197 % 0.002
P 0.341 % 0.334 % 0.001
S 0.125 % 0.119 % 0.0002
Mn 84.8 ppm 85.6 ppm 2.8
Cu 6.9 ppm 7.3 ppm 0.2
Zn 48.8 ppm 49.5 ppm 0.1

Sample I.D.: Standard #79
Element ICP value NEX QC+ Average value Std. dev
K 3.241 % 3.199 % 0.024
Ca 0.543 % 0.533 % 0.008
Mg 0.143 % 0.131 % 0.008
P 0.308 % 0.302 % 0.001
S 0.201 % 0.195 % 0.0011
Mn 31.0 ppm 30.4 ppm 1.5
Cu 10.9 ppm 8.6 ppm 0.5
Zn 21.2 ppm 20.7 ppm 0.5

Sample I.D.: Standard #87
Element ICP value NEX QC+ average value Std. dev
K 1.379 % 1.440 % 0.010
Ca 0.424 % 0.431 % 0.002
Mg 0.168 % 0.142 % 0.002
P 0.252 % 0.244 % 0.001
S 0.127 % 0.124 % 0.0004
Mn 73.4 ppm 73.6 ppm 0.8
Cu 5.7 ppm 5.9 ppm 0.2
Zn 23.1 ppm 22.6 ppm 0.3

Analysis of unknown samples

Unknown samples with ICP values were submitted by the user for measurement against the calibrations built. Results are shown here.

Sample I.D.: Sample #76
Element ICP value NEX QC+ average value Std. dev
K 2.508 % 2.474 % 0.026
Ca 0.652 % 0.666 % 0.002
Mg 0.169 % 0.171 % 0.001
P 0.288 % 0.290 % 0.0002
S 0.198 % 0.197 % 0.0005
Mn 36.7 37.5 2.1
Cu 7.8 8.5 0.2
Zn 30.5 30.6 0.4

Sample I.D.: Sample #84
Element ICP value NEX QC+ average value Std. dev
K 2.619 % 2.580 % 0.003
Ca 0.455 % 0.477 % 0.002
Mg 0.168 % 0.175 % 0.0048
P 0.315 % 0.289 % 0.001
S 0.259 % 0.246 % 0.0011
Mn 77.9 ppm 75.2 ppm 0.7
Cu 6.9 ppm 7.0 ppm 0.2
Zn 30.8 ppm 31.7 ppm 0.2


The NEX QC+ offers analysts a simple yet powerful and versatile system for quantifying elemental composition using the empirical approach. The results of this study indicate that given stable samples, proper sample handling, and proper calibration technique, the Rigaku NEX QC+ EDXRF can achieve excellent results for measuring the key mineral elements in grass and other silages.

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