Mini Tutorials - X-ray CT Explained with ImageJ

These short videos explain basic concepts of X-ray CT, such as reconstruction, denoising, segmentation, and quantitative analysis using the open-source "ImageJ." You can download ImageJ and sample images to experiment with them.

ImageJ - Getting Started Guide

In this episode, you will learn where to go to download ImageJ and how to execute basic operations.

If you are new to CT image processing or ImageJ, this is a good place to start. You'll be able to follow the tutorial to set up ImageJ on your computer and practice data operations using the sample files.

Head of Global Marketing Communications

Basic Image Processing - Denoising

In this episode, you will learn about various denoising filters and how to use them when segmenting images.

You can download all the tools and data used in the tutorial. Changing denoising parameters and seeing what happens to the images is one of the best ways to understand how this type of image processing works.

Head of Global Marketing Communications

Basic Quantitative Analysis

The next step that comes after segmentation is quantification. In this episode, you will learn how to quantify the image analysis results and extract useful parameters.

You can also explore the resources to learn how to execute more complex analyses, such as pore size distribution and fiber orientation.

Head of Global Marketing Communications

Changing File Sizes

CT data tend to be large, and you might need to reduce the file size for archiving or faster analysis. In this episode, you will learn how to change file sizes.

You will also see tips on managing CT data storage and selecting the right computer for CT data analysis in the resource section.

Head of Global Marketing Communications

Machine Learning Segmentation by Weka

You can use machine learning to segment images with a high level of noise or uneven gray level that makes threshold-based segmentation challenging. In this episode, you will learn how to use the machine learning ImageJ plugin Weka.

In the resource section, you will also find webinars and workshops on deep learning image segmentation.

Head of Global Marketing Communications

Understanding Resolution

In this episode, we will explore the concept of resolution. You will learn how to optimize sampling size and how other factors affect the effective resolution of CT images.

It is important to optimize resolution instead of striving for the highest resolution achievable by the CT scanner. This is to keep the file size manageable for data analysis, storage, and archiving.

Head of Global Marketing Communications

How Reconstruction Works

In this episode, you will learn how the filtered back projection reconstruction works. You can experiment with the sample images to deepen your understanding.

CT reconstruction is often treated as a black box, but it doesn't need to be. If you have been wondering how it works, this is a good place to start.

Head of Global Marketing Communications

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