XtaLAB SynergyCustom

Customized Single Crystal Diffraction System with Microfocus Rotating Anode Generator

X-ray crystal structure determination and SAXS for macromolecules

One of the advantages of Rigaku's rotating anode X-ray generators is the ability to utilize both ports of the generator simultaneously. This might involve having two single crystal goniometers mounted on the generator or it might involve having one goniometer with a sample changing robot on one port dedicated to protein crystallography and a second goniometer dedicated to chemical crystallography.

XtaLAB SynergyCustom Overview

XtaLAB SynergyCustom

One of the advantages of Rigaku's rotating anode X-ray generators is the ability to utilize both ports of the generator simultaneously. This might involve having two single crystal goniometers mounted on the generator or it might involve having one goniometer with a sample changing robot on one port dedicated to protein crystallography and a second goniometer dedicated to chemical crystallography. In order to accommodate the various configurations that a researcher might envision, Rigaku offers the XtaLAB SynergyCustom, a system that can be configured with either a MicroMax-007 HF microfocus rotating anode source or the highest-flux in-house X-ray source, the FR-X. Additionally, the XtaLAB SynergyCustom comes in a specially designed enclosure with your choice of table size to accommodate accessory equipment, such as an ACTOR 2 robotic system or a microscope close to the goniometer. Thus, the versatility offered by the XtaLAB SynergyCustom system provides the most flexibility possible for your structural chemistry program.

HPC direct detection X-ray detector

XtaLAB SynergyCustom systems are configured with a Hybrid Photon Counting (HPC) X-ray detector, such as the HyPix-6000HE, the HyPix-Arc 150° or HyPix-Arc 100°. HPC detectors are ideal for difficult single crystal experiments because they are photon counting detectors that directly detect X-ray photons without the need for the intermediate step of converting X-ray photons to light with a phosphor or scintillator. As a result, HPCs have high dynamic range, fast readout speed and extremely low noise. Additionally, HPC X-ray detectors have a top-hat point spread function of a single pixel. These combined features, along with shutterless data collection, mean that you can collect more accurate diffraction data, faster. As a result, the XtaLAB SynergyCustom systems offer outstanding performance for demanding single crystal X-ray diffraction experiments.


The XtaLAB SynergyCustom comes complete with CrysAlisPro, our user-inspired data collection and data processing software for single crystal analysis. Designed around an easy-to-use graphical user interface, CrysAlisPro can be operated under fully automatic, semi-automatic or manual control. CrysAlisPro combines automated crystal screening, the fastest and most accurate strategy software available, concurrent data reduction and automatic small molecule structure solution. Visual feedback is provided for each step with clear, color-coded guidance so that both novices and experts can collect high-quality data in the shortest time possible. CrysAlisPro can operate either in a protein or small molecule dedicated workflow. Popular third-party protein data processing packages can easily process diffraction data if desired.


AutoChem is the ultimate productivity tool for small molecule chemists, offering fast, fully automatic structure solution and refinement during data collection. Developed in collaboration with OlexSys Ltd (Durham University, UK), AutoChem works in conjunction with Olex² where more advanced structure solution and refinement functionality exists. AutoChem is seamlessly integrated within CrysAlisPro, and forms an integral part of our ‘What is this?’ feature. The ‘What is this?’ feature gives you structures quickly and ensures you are not wasting time collecting full datasets on known samples or starting materials. It is an alternative pre-experiment option, which is used to plan your full data collections.

XtaLAB SynergyCustom Features

Ultimate flexibility
with customized X-ray system specifically tailored to the needs of your research. Dual ports allow for various combinations of crystallography and SAXS configurations. Your choice of VariMax™ confocal double-bounce optics for better spectral purity and beam size to match your sample types
Faster, accurate data collection
due to high-speed kappa goniometer, high-flux rotating anode X-ray source, fast, low-noise X-ray detector, and highly optimized instrument control software
Improve your ability to investigate small samples
due to the increased flux from the rotating anode X-ray source as well as the extreme low noise of the HyPix X-ray detectors. Noise-free images mean you can count longer for weakly diffracting crystals without a loss in data quality arising from detector noise
Screen crystals in situ
with optional XtalCheck-S crystallization plate screening device
Enhance your ability to resolve large unit cells, twins or incommensurate lattices
when you select the optional motorized variable beam slit in order to alter divergence to adapt the source to your sample’s requirements

XtaLAB SynergyCustom Specifications

Attributes X-ray diffractometer with dual port rotating anode X-ray source and HPC detector
Detectors HyPix-6000HE or optionally the large theta coverage detectors HyPix-Arc 100° or HyPix-Arc 150° or the DECTRIS EIGER 4M
X-ray source MicroMax-007 HF microfocus rotating anode source or the highest-flux in-house X-ray source, the FR-X (Mo, Cu, or Cr).
Goniometer Fast kappa geometry goniometer that allows data collection scan speeds of up to 10°/sec
Accessories Oxford Cryostream 1000, Oxford Cobra, XtalCheck-S, High Pressure Kit, ACTOR 2 robotic sample changer
Computer External PC, MS Windows OS

XtaLAB SynergyCustom Options

The following accessories are available for this product:


The ACTOR 2 eliminates much of the physical handling of samples required during crystal screening and data collection

High Pressure Kit

Accommodating the vast majority of commercially available and custom high pressure cells, the high pressure kit creates a sample space with an 8 cm diameter.

HyPix-Arc 100°

A curved single crystal X-ray diffraction detector based on direct X-ray detection technology with a higher 2θ range compared to a flat detector.

HyPix-Arc 150°

An optional, unique curved Hybrid Photon Counting (HPC) X-ray detector for single crystal diffraction applications.

Intelligent Goniometer Head 2 (IGH2)

The smallest detachable motorized goniometer head on the market.

Oxford Cobra

Offers the ultimate solution for both macromolecular and small molecule crystallography.

Oxford Cryostream 1000

The latest version of the world-leading open-flow cryogenic gas cooler


With this system, one can easily survey many crystallization experiments by eliminating the need to harvest and cryo-cool samples.

XtaLAB SynergyCustom Application Notes

The following application notes are relevant to this product

XtaLAB SynergyCustom Resources


What To Do When the Lights Go Out - Rethinking the Homelab for Structural Biology Research Watch the Recording
Processing a PX data set with CrysAlisᴾʳᵒ Watch the Recording

Rigaku Journal articles

adobeThe “Molecular Grabber” method: Development of new crystalline sponge method New Idea for structural analysis of compounds using protein Read the Article
adobeSingle crystal diffraction systems based on hybrid pixel array technology Read the Article


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