TOPIQ | Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-R, a productivity tool that means success!

Throughout the presentation (length: ca. 20-30 min), Dr. Siegler will establish the significant impacts of the acquisition of the Rigaku XtaLAB  Synergy-R on the research at Johns Hopkins University and beyond.

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Johns Hopkins University
X-ray Facility Manager

Presenter Bio:

Dr Maxime Siegler has been formerly trained by some well-respected crystallographers, namely Prof. Carol Brock, Prof. Sean Parkin (University of Kentucky) and Prof. Ton Spek (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), with whom he studied chemical X-ray crystallography and the whole process of crystal handling, data collection, structure solution/refinement of all kinds of difficult samples (e.g., air-, solvent- and temperature-sensitive crystals, twinned crystals, wholly disordered crystals, modulated superstructures with high Z', crystals with multiple phase transitions, etc.). Currently, he is the Director of the X-ray Facility at the Johns Hopkins University (Homewood campus), and has been the author/co-author of 348 peer-reviewed papers.

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