Determination of particle/pore size distribution ranging from nano- to submicron order

  • Particle size and distribution analysis from 1-D or 2-D SAXS data
  • Size distribution, average, percentile D10, D50, D90 are calculated
  • Sample that does not transmit visible light can be analyzed
  • Analyze on sample with multiple particle size distributions

Particle/pore size analysis

Particle/pore size analysis determines the size distribution of particles/pores in powder, bulk, film samples and liquid. Generally, particles/pores on the order of 1 to 100 nm are available for analysis. Using ultra-small angle X-ray scattering (U-SAXS) optics, users can analyze particles/pores 1000 nm in size. Particle/pore shapes such as sphere, core-shell, cylinder and spheroid can be analyzed. The plugin also features the Debye model, which performs analysis without the shape being specified. In the case of high-density particles, the structure factor is taken into account for a more accurate size distribution calculation.

More accurate analysis of particle/pore size distribution in thin films

The particle/pore-size distribution in a thin-film sample can be analyzed more accurately by considering scattering from the roughness of a surface or an interface of the thin film. This method is particularly useful when the number of particles/pores is small or their sizes are small. For the XRD measurement plugin, a “Part Activity” to collect the necessary data for this analysis is available. Using Part Activity, the plugin can easily collect data with an input of some information about the samples.

Lattice simulation and Guinier/Kratky plot

In addition to analysis of particle/pore size distributions using least-squares methods, simulations of diffraction line positions from 1D or 2D lattices using a simple method can be performed. Furthermore, the radius of inertia can be calculated in a simple procedure using a Guinier plot.

Slit correction

Small-angle scattering data are significantly affected by the umbrella effect; therefore, the obtained scattering intensity pattern is greatly distorted. The “slit correction” accounts for this distortion. The MRSAXS plugin accurately reproduces the scattering intensity pattern using Rigaku’s original algorithm and performs more accurate size distribution analysis.

Photo of MRSAXS Plugin

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