Beneath the Surface: X-ray Analyses of Battery Materials and Structures

In this webinar series, you will learn how to leverage X-ray analysis techniques to gain insights into battery performance. We will cover X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescent (XRF) elemental analysis, and X-ray computed tomography (CT) non-destructive testing. Our expert speakers will guide you through experimental setups and real-world applications.

When to Use XRD and How to Set Up Experiments for Li-ion Battery Research

Do you know how to set up and optimize your XRD experiments; Which X-ray source, optics, detectors, and sample stages to use, to maximize the quality of the data and gain accurate insights fast?

Modern XRD instrument supports multiple configurations, e.g. Bragg-Brentano, parallel beam, focusing beam, different X-ray sources, 1-D or 2-D detectors, and a wide variety of sample holders. It is not easy to figure out the best configuration for each analysis need.

For example, most X-ray diffractometer is equipped with an X-ray source with a copper anode, which is not the best for lithium-ion battery (LIB) materials including 3D transition metals, such as manage iron, cobalt, or nickel. The anode needs to be optimized for your sample. Operando measurements often require fast scans to observe phase transformation. This requires optimizing the source, the geometry, and the detector to be optimized for the maximum speed.

In the webinar, you will learn the best practices and how to configure your XRD for each application and analysis need.

How to Run in Operando XRD Experiments

Did you know that you can collect XRD data while charging/discharging a lithium-ion battery (LIB)?

Despite the significant advancement of LIB technology, further improvements and optimizations are still required to solve challenges such as energy density, cycle life, and safety. In operando XRD can help us gain a fundamental understanding of the reaction mechanisms in physical and chemical processes during LIB operation.

In the webinar, you will learn the best practices, how to prepare samples, and the best ways to configure your in operando XRD experiments. You will see both application examples of liquid and solid-state electrolyte batteries.

Pair Distribution Function (PDF) Analysis for Everyday Battery Analysis

Did you know in operando measurements of the X-ray scattering Pair Distribution Function (PDF) can help you see the changes in the local order/disorder within cathode and anode materials?

In the charge/discharge cycling of lithium-ion batteries (and other novel battery technologies), there is a continuous buildup of local disorder in the cathode and anode materials driven by the Li-ion mobility that will eventually contribute to battery failure and reduced operational lifetime.

Characterization of the nature and extent of this local disorder can lead to predictive insights into battery failure mechanisms.

In-operand measurements of the X-ray scattering PDF can allow direct modeling of the changes in the local order/disorder within the cathode and anode material as well as for solid electrolytes if used.

In the webinar, we will investigate how best to collect in operando PDF data and discuss the optimum data processing approaches to give meaningful results. In particular, the use of Reverse Monte Carlo techniques to give physical representations of the locally disordered structure will be presented.

Non-Destructive Inspection of Batteries Using X-ray Computed Tomography

Did you know X-ray computed tomography (CT) can reveal structural deformities and defects and inspect for proper alignment of electrodes, separators, and electrolytes non-destructively?

X-ray CT is a powerful technique that allows non-destructive imaging of batteries. In this webinar, we will discuss important factors to consider when using X-ray CT methods to inspect batteries. We will also examine data analysis techniques to extract meaningful insight into battery structure and function.

Non-Destructive Elemental Analysis of Batteries Using XRF

Did you know you can non-destructively analyze the elemental composition of various battery components using the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) technique? 

XRF does not require the digestion of samples. You can analyze powder and solid samples with minimal to no sample preparation and gain their elemental composition ranging in levels from ppm to percent. Wavelength dispersive XRF (WDXRF) spectrometers can analyze from beryllium to curium. Energy dispersive XRF (EDXRF) is cost-effective and fast, making it ideal for the analyses required for recycling and recovering raw materials. The fundamental parameter method enables standardless semi-quantitative analysis, while the conventional calibration method using standards can provide more accurate results, depending on the accuracy requirements.

XRF is perfect for quantifying the main elements of NCM (nickel, cobalt, and manganese) in the cathode, as well as impurities or foreign materials in coatings and the carbon anode. Appropriate sample preparation methods allow air and humidity-sensitive materials to be analyzed easily. 

In this webinar, you will learn how to prepare different types of battery samples for WDXRF elemental analysis and see various application examples, as well as the use of EDXRF for the recycling of lithium battery black mass.

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