Since its birth in 1951, Rigaku has upheld the corporate mission of its founders to “contribute to the enhancement of humanity through the development of science and technology”, working with the motto to “Value our customers, value our people, and value our technology.”

Over the past 70+ years, Rigaku has grown to become a global company, with customers and Rigaku people spread around the world, and also having a more diverse base of shareholders. With this in mind, we have developed a set of value statements (“Rigaku Vision”) to guide Rigaku through the coming years.

Our Mission

To contribute to the enhancement of 
humanity through scientific and technological development.

Our Motto

Value our customers, value our people, and value our technology.

Rigaku Vision



Our Customers

We strive to provide solutions for our customers’ problems, helping them grow sustainably. To do this we will:

  • Continue to improve to meet the rigorous expectations of our customers, whilst helping to solve their problems.
  • Work with speed and integrity bringing value to our customers with our solutions and support.
  • Provide high quality products that can be used safely. Safety is always our highest priority.
  • Build strong, mutual relationships with all users and business partners involved with Rigaku’s products.

Our People

We, as Global One Rigaku, promise to join our efforts to provide comfortable working environments for all Rigaku’s people around the world. In doing so, we will:

  • Provide an orderly workplacewhere our people can work safely.
  • Respect the diversity of our people and help them to thrive.
  • Provide fair assessment and remuneration for our people.
  • Make opportunities for personal growth, providing an environment where our people can enhance their capabilities.




Our Society

We pledge, to promote sustainable development to make a better world.

  • Placing safety first, we will ensure local communities can have peace of mind.
  • We will advance innovation worldwide with our skills and knowledge.
  • Children hold the key to the future. We will conduct educational outreach to nurture their passion for science.
  • We will minimize the environmental impact of our products from concept through procurement, manufacturing, transportation and use, to final disposal.

Our Shareholders

We promise to use all our assets to continuously enhance the value of our company. We will:

  • Ensure transparency through timely and impartial information disclosure.
  • Invest appropriately in acquiring new technology and in R&D
  • Act swiftly to stay one step ahead of changes in society.
  • Work with utmost respect for our legal and social obligations.
  • Perform corporate activities in accordance with the Rigaku Vision and realize a fair return to shareholders.
