Laser-Focused Insights

What's Happening at IAFC HAZMAT 2022?

Written by Jen Lynch | Jun 3, 2022 1:52:00 PM

June 3, 2022 - There is lots of buzz and excitement swirling as we gear up for next week's International Association of Fire Chiefs International Hazardous Materials Response Teams Conference (HAZMAT)!  Happening for the first time in person since the 2019 event, we are happy to be preparing for this trip to Baltimore, Maryland in just a few short days.


Hosted by the IAFC HAZMAT Committee, the International Hazardous Materials Response Teams Conference (HAZMAT) is a four-day event that is held at the Hilton of Baltimore, Maryland from June 9-12, 2022, with an additional pre-conference day on June 8, 2022. Attendees are provided the latest classroom, hands-on, and field trip-based training on topics covering all aspects of HAZMAT. 

The training offered at the HAZMAT Conference offers immediate, practical, and valuable information designed to ensure you successfully meet the demands of HAZMAT response in today’s challenging environment.

Attendees will learn about new and updated practices in HAZMAT response including transportation, safety, weapons of mass destruction (WMD), gear, mass decontamination terrorism, bioterrorism, and more.  The IAFC provides certificates of attendance to all Hazmat participants. 

See the full conference schedule here.

What is the IAFC HAZMAT Committee?

The IAFC Hazardous Materials Committee serves as the IAFC's subject matter expert regarding hazardous materials and dangerous goods. 


IAFC HAZMAT 2022 Exhibition

In addition to conference streams, workshops, and trainings, IAFC also gives attendees the opportunity to discover the latest in hazmat response capabilities in their exhibition area.  Meet with new or existing vendor manufacturers who have the latest equipment and services for first responders.  


Rigaku Analytical Devices will be be present at IAFC HAZMAT 2022

Rigaku will have a big presence at this year's event, including:

  • We will be exhibiting in booth #314 in the exhibition area with the latest in handheld chemical detection technology for hazmat analysis on display. Attendees can visit with Nancy Otto, National Sales Director, Chris Langford, VP Marketing & Product Management, Dr. Suzanne Schreyer, Senior Applications Scientist, Hoyt Hughes, Sales Representative, and Jen Lynch, Marketing Director.  
  • Presentation "Recognition of Homemade WMD's (Common Items, Uncommon Uses) and the use of common products to create deadly mixtures" taking place on Thursday, June 9th from 1-5pmThe class covers the misuse of store-bought and 'common items' to make things like cyanide dispersal devices, homemade blister and nerve agents, where to find radioactive sources on the economy, hypergolic mixtures, toxins and poisons, explosives, suicide and accidental death methods, and simple party favorites that can be used on a large scale. Live examples will be shown for the students to see so they can later recognize them.
  • Presentation "Massachusetts’ New Suspicious Substances Training Program that Goes Above and Beyond Traditional Screening Methods" taking place on Saturday, June 11th from 8-9:15am.  Learn how Massachusetts took a legacy training program based on bio threats, developed by the MA DFS Hazmat Division and the MA Dept of Public Health, and created an all-encompassing hazards training called JSMACSS. The Joint Standardized Method for the Assessment & Collection of Suspicious Substances training program takes into account the potential presence of ALL suspicious substances using industry standard protocols and court acceptable techniques – such as SWGDRUG.
  • Sponsorship of "The Escape Room" presented by The Hazmat Guys on Saturday, June 11th from 8am - 4pm.  This is a real advanced level escape room. Students will use basic and advanced metering to track clues. Teamwork and communication will help them get out of the room.

Integrating Raman technology into a hazmat toolkit allows users to identify unknown materials through packaging – providing identification, such as hazardous materials, narcotics, cutting agents, household chemicals, explosives, chemical warfare agents, and more.  The Rigaku portfolio of handheld Raman analyzers provide results in under 1 minute and have the ability to also detect non-visible amounts as well. What’s more, the analyzer is approved as part of the U.S. DoD JPEO DR SKO Modernization Program.

Users of Rigaku Raman analyzers provide a lower cost of ownership by including:

  • -FREE software upgrades,
  • -FREE library updates
  • -FREE access to 24/7 live reachback support


Contact Rigaku Analytical Devices

To learn more about Rigaku’s Raman options for hazmat response, please visit the Rigaku stand #314 at IAFC HAZMAT to receive a 1-minute demonstration. Not able to attend? Contact us today to arrange a virtual or in-person meeting.