Laser-Focused Insights

FL Hazmat Training Symposium 2022 Recap: A Sense of the Return to Normalcy

Written by Hoyt Hughes | Feb 7, 2022 6:05:00 PM

February 7, 2022 - This was my 5th time attending the Florida Hazmat Training Symposium. Always held in Daytona Beach, FL, this location seems to be a great spot for reconnecting with current customers and networking with new hazmat team members. The Plaza Resort & Spa is a historical hotel with awesome views and fun amenities for the whole family.   Many attending the training brought along family members and turned the week into a mini-vacation.



Rigaku's Sponsorship at FL Hazmat Training Symposium

Rigaku is very supportive of the first responders in our local communities and ensuring they receive continuous training.  To help off-set the costs of hosting a training such as this, Rigaku was one of the vendor sponsors. 

Because of the sponsorship, Rigaku had a demonstration table set up, where I have giveaways, literature, and instruments available for quick demonstrations to attendees who stop by.  

Key Contacts at the FL Hazmat Training Symposium

My objective for attending was really twofold: to see current users of our Rigaku ResQ Raman equipment and to talk to departments who don’t yet use our advanced technology and show them the difference. It was also great to catch up with other vendors and listen in on some of the presentations. The keynote given by Dr. Christina Baxter was extremely relevant to everyone in the room. Christina discussed her experiences as the CBRNE Program Manager at the U.S. DoD and hazmat trends to watch for in 2022.

Rigaku's Portfolio of Handheld Raman Hazmat Analyzers

For the departments who are already using our original ResQ model (the orange one), I showed them our newer ResQ CQL. The ResQ CQL contains the same software and library as our ResQ version, but was redesigned into a new tactical form factor. In addition, ResQ CQL has the option to add QuickDetect Mode. This integrates automated colorimetric analysis to detect non-visible amounts of a sample. This is key for identifying street-level fentanyl or precursor chemicals that can be used to create explosives.

When talked to new departments, some are familiar with Raman technology, others are not. Raman is unique in that it gives the user to scan substances through translucent packaging. This keeps the user safer because they do not need to expose themselves to something potentially dangerous. Combine that with Rigaku’s use of 1064 nm laser excitation, and users have the ability to scan dirty or impure mixtures. Which is more real-world to what the hazmat community comes across when on an emergency call.

In addition, Rigaku also has many incentives for new users including:

  • Trade-in incentives
  • Grant programs
  • Leasing options
  • Evaluation periods
  • A new “Buyer’s Remorse” program for anyone who purchased a different piece of equipment and it’s just not doing the job

In the end, it was great to meet with folks in person, after this event was cancelled in 2021 due to the global pandemic. Old friends were able to catch up and grab a bite or drink, and it was great to meet new faces and learn of the new challenges our first responder community faces in this new, post-pandemic world. I look forward to attending more of these state events throughout the remainder of the year, and fingers crossed – none will need to cancel!