Laser-Focused Insights

Love, Loss and the Fight Against Counterfeit Pills

Written by Michael Brown | Apr 19, 2023 5:46:00 PM

After losing her beloved son, Zach (17 years old) in 2020 to a counterfeit pill that contained illicit fentanyl, Laura Didier has made it her mission to warn and educate others about this deadly crisis.  Laura is now the Outreach Coordinator for the non-profit organization Song for Charlie, where she focuses on public awareness, campaigns and development of a counterfeit pill curriculum that is used for community awareness events all over the country to warn parents and kids about the growing crisis of fentanyl poisoning.  

Join us as we discuss:

  • Zach's story and the common thread of tragic loss across the country
  • The accountability and consequences for trafficking of illicit fentanyl
  • How to have effective conversations about fentanyl with your kids



Views expressed in this material are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Rigaku Analytical Devices.

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