Laser-Focused Insights

Harm Reduction and the Many Paths to Recovery

Written by Michael Brown | Apr 5, 2023 5:03:00 PM

The current drug epidemic is complicated.  And just as there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to getting illicit drugs off the street, there isn't one single path to recovery.  If we are going to tackle such a complex issue, we need a multi-pronged approach - law enforcement, clinical intervention, recovery and harm reduction- each have their part in this.  

In this episode, we're speaking with Evan Done, Community Impact Director at USARA, about his role in recovery and harm reduction.

Key topics:

  • Utah's drug-induced homicide law
  • Balancing compassion for people with substance use penalties for trafficking and distribution
  • Why we need to understand there are multiple paths to recovery



Views expressed in this material are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Rigaku Analytical Devices.

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