Laser-Focused Insights

The Opioid Matrix: The U.S. Domestic Drug War-Is this battle a lost cause?

Written by Michael Brown | Jun 7, 2022 5:12:00 PM
Jen Lynch, Marketing Director at Rigaku Analytical Devices, talks with Michael W. Brown the host of the show and Global Director of Counter-Narcotics Interdiction Partnerships at Rigaku Analytical Devices, about domestic side of the war on drugs.

What we talked about:

  • The difference between violent drug trafficking in the inner-city and suburban drug use.
  • America's Constitutional law enforcement powers stop at the U.S. Mexican border.
  • The importance of degrading the precursor chemical infrastructure supply chain that fuels the Drug Trade.

Key takeaways from this episode

  • “It’s like a game of whack-a-mole. Because when drug traffickers pop up on the radar it takes time to conduct an investigation. In that time, other traffickers continuously fill that void." — Michael Brown
  • “Even at the height of illicit pharmaceutical distribution in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, we saw high rates of overdose fatalities, but we did not see high rates of drug trafficking violence." — Michael Brown
  • “ We can't go to Mexico and control or investigate those organizations like we do in the United States. Our Constitutional Powers stop at the border.” — Michael Brown

Views expressed in this material are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Rigaku Analytical Devices.

Have an idea for an episode topic or guest? Contact Jen Lynch or Michael Brown on LinkedIn.

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