Laser-Focused Insights

Breaking Down the Debate Over Safe Injection Sites

Written by Michael Brown | Feb 7, 2023 9:55:00 PM

With safe injection sites becoming more commonplace and government supported, we must have a discussion around the help and harm of these locations. 

In this episode, Jennifer Lynch and Michael Brown discuss: 

  • Where do we draw the line on what an individual can use in these locations?
  • Is there an “off ramp” designed with these safe injection sites?
  • Reflecting on the crack epidemic and its impact on the black community. Will history repeat itself due to these “safe sites?” 
  • The real long term effects of narcotics regardless of if its users can use them safely
  • The legal vs. ethical issue of safe injection sites - do they violate the ""Crack House Statute" of The Controlled Substances Act


Views expressed in this material are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Rigaku Analytical Devices.

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